About Me

Hi! Welcome to my little arty corner of the internet!

Im Crafted in Chaos, but you can call me Meg. I first started a small biz back in the first lockdown in 2020, mainly making painted wood slices. I loved it! But I became very unwell with my long term mental health issues and my life was flipped upside down, and I just fell out of love with creating for a long time.

Fast forward to last year when me and my husband Tom and our pups moved into a bigger house with a big empty spare room, and adapting to now being physically disabled as well and unable to work a conventional job... Crafted in Chaos was born!

Being a disabled gal, not working, with an overactive creative and chaotic ADHD/autistic brain means that I put all my love, energy and passion into my work and being able to turn that into a small biz and have my work in peoples homes really is a dream, and I am so grateful for every one of you that visit my shop, buy things, comment/like my posts and chat to me on socials.

So thank you! I hope to keep it up for a long time.

Meg xxx 




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